We seem to have this idea as humans that power comes from trauma, that we have to experience trauma in order to rise to our full power.
That narrative plays over and over in our entertainment. In fact, it’s so normalized that we have this trend of more evolved backstories as to why our favorite villains became that way. The assumption is that we come into this world as a pure being to be protected from all harm and badness in the world and that something horrible must have happened to us to make us that way. But the truth is that we come into this world with infinite power. We come physically defenseless, sure, but so that we can learn to stand on our own two feet.
Yet we don’t recognize this. We need bad things to happen to prove to ourselves that we can overcome it. Most of us don’t have a template of feeling fully in our power BEFORE the things to be overcome happen.
For so many of us, the story is that we have to be broken and burned down, in order to rise from the ashes.
Do we have to fully burn down and break down the foundations that are no longer working for us? ABSOLUTELY. But none of that work HAS to happen as a result of trauma.
The Spiral is deconstructive. It knocks down and clears out the patterns we act out over and over again that we feel like we just can’t stop. It is an eight-week journey through the 22 most common emotions in the human experience. We consciously break down the foundations that aren’t working for us because we are ready to create something brand new. NOT because someone else has done the knocking down for us. Ready to change your life and step into your power? Message me. Let’s see if The Spiral is for you!