A 4-month journey to your life of joy, peace and pleasure!
Are you tired of doing all of the things you're "supposed" to do and still feeling empty?
Have you checked all the things off the checklist of what you were told would make you happy and are still wondering "is this all there is?"
You cannot enjoy your life when everything feels so damn hard and like nothing is working...
...when your life is missing one of the most important ingredients: pleasure.
Living life this way means that people never get to know you- the real you anyway- and feel your unique vibration. You miss out on so much love and connection with others when you're so busy keeping yourself in a tiny little box of what you think you’re supposed to do and who you are supposed to be.
When we learn to love ourselves deeply and release the stories about why we're unloveable, our outside circumstances begin to shift to reflect that love.
But we need to be willing to release our programming around our perceived flaws and reclaim the parts of us that we’ve pushed aside and kept hidden.
It’s time to let go of the stories…
Reclaim the pleasure that is your birthright…
And thrive in the joyful life of your creation you've always wanted.
Unlock the gift that is you in…
The Spiral:
A 4 month journey to a life of joy and pleasure
Imagine living a life free from shame, fear, and anxiety—where you can truly express yourself and connect deeply with others. When you go through The Spiral, you embark on a transformative path that clears away disempowering emotional patterns so that you can thrive in all areas of life.
We will set intentions in your first session, then alternate your Spiral sessions with coaching sessions so that you can begin loving all parts of you, cultivating the deepest loving, intimate connection with yourself…
...so that love can spill out into your other relationships.
The Spiral combines knowledge from a number of different frameworks- such as Spiral Dynamics, David Hawkins' Scale of Consciousness, and the chakra system- to clear out emotional patterning from your system so that you can actually experience the joy, love and pleasure you've always wanted to experience.
In a journey through the chakra system, we’ll go through the following seven levels, clearing these emotions:
Level 1 Deserving- Root Chakra: Shame, Guilt, Dogma
​Releasing guilt and shame
Increasing worthiness, self-esteem, and deserving
Level 2 Creativity- Sacral Chakra: Fear, Grief, Paralyzed Will
Free yourself from fear and grief
Embracing creativity, flow, and ease
Level 3 Power- Solar Plexus: Pride, Anger, Desire
Letting go of anger
Embodying empowerment
Level 4 Openness- Heart: Reason, Acceptance, Love
Healing the hurts of the heart
Expanding capacity for love and connection
Level 5 Expression- Throat: Anxiety, Confidence, Low Self-Esteem
Clearing anxiety and low self-esteem
Unbridling your expression
Level 6 Vision- Third Eye: Truth, Trust, Receptivity
Shedding old paradigms
Stepping into your Truth
Level 7 Purpose- Crown: Peace, Joy, Enlightenment, Purpose
Surrendering to peace and joy
Opening fully to your divine purpose
Your coaching sessions will help you replace those patterns with those that will serve your highest good so that you can emerge on the other side unapologetically you.
Unlock the life you've always dreamed of. You deserve it!