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Messages from the Mountains


I really enjoyed myself on my first vacation since 2018. And it has been the hardest adjustment back into my working world as a result!

I spent my days as I desired during that week. I ate what I wanted, which included brownies and cake every day. It typically included a hot chocolate.

Certainly more sugar than I consume on any normal day! AND with less physical activity (hey, those Boxcar Children books aren’t going to read themselves.)

I fully expected to see a weight gain when I came back. I had been at a plateau for several weeks, so imagine my shock at what ACTUALLY happened… I LOST WEIGHT.

I hope you feel my words dripping with sarcasm when I say: what a shock. When I was HAPPY and living my days fully ALIGNED- the weight melted off quickly and easily.

Which has forced me to really look at: what emotional reasons do I have for holding onto the weight?

Anger, spite, frustration, anxiety- all spotlighting with confetti cannons the ways in which I have been out of alignment.

In releasing and expressing those emotions, weight fell away with them.

It is beginning to make me wonder what else is possible when I allow myself to fully express everything I feel.

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