I would argue that I’m pretty “high vibe” all the time. Note that I didn’t say that I’m always in a good mood or only feeling “positive” emotions. That’s not actually what “high vibe” is.
My belief is that, while different emotions land differently and feel differently in our bodies, no emotions are actually “positive” or “negative”; they’re just DIFFERENT.
I woke up in the middle of the night last night with anxiety. I had just left too many loose strings last night before bed and woke up thinking about them. So when I say that I am “high vibe”, it’s that I would argue that anxiety is a high vibrational state; it’s just not typically considered “positive”.
And despite what many healers may tell you, the two are totally different things. I would much rather experience the opposite of anxiety- EXCITEMENT. It’s the same vibration, but excitement is much more pleasurable to experience. (Thanks for that reminder, Molly Brown!)
As I lean into FLOW in 2021- and, yes, that IS my word of the year- I lean toward excitement as well as a variety of other vibrational states. Because flow for me is about allowing it all through- the pleasurable, the uncomfortable, the ugly. When you allow it all to flow in and don’t waste energy setting up levies trying to direct your emotional state, that is when ease becomes the norm.
Do you have a word/theme for the year? What is it? Tell me in the comments!