Certainty is a sham.
A sham with, like, really stupid pants on.
Let me tell you about my life when I did things the way that was meant to provide me with certainty.
I graduated college, which was supposed to help me with job security.
I was still working at Starbucks, until a shoulder injury kept me from being able to pump those super thick syrups.
My manager wouldn’t work with me by putting me on the register while my shoulder healed. So the injury got worse.
I ended up back in school to get my teaching credential. There was supposedly a shortage of teachers.
“Hurray! I’ll finally be secure!” I thought.
Because getting your credential means initially taking temporary positions, in which you’re automatically not re-elected to return the following year.
Which means once summer hits, you’re looking for a job again, typically teaching summer school.
Then you're looking for a job AGAIN once summer is over.
Because that’s just how messed up the system is.
For something that was supposed to provide me with certainty, it took over three years of this cycle to get there.
And once I got there, I didn’t want it anymore.
I was already burned out.
Even though I loved my students.
Even though I STILL miss my team.
I had chased the certainty concept as though it were something outside of me, like it was actually obtainable…
All that chasing certainty has given me is the desire to never chase it again.
Certainty exists within us; nowhere else.
I’m more certain now of my path, my business, my finances, my relationships than I ever have been in my entire life.
Because I’m actively creating a life that I love.
And in a world where nothing is certain, might as well do some stuff you love!
Magic wands and glitter bombs,
Photo Credit: Joanna Hardis