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What's Your Pleasure? An exploration of the Erotic Blueprints

I’m in massive celebration right now. I just got through a pretty intense training to become an Erotic Blueprint™ coach…just in time for the celebration of my personal independence day- the two-year anniversary of being solely in my own business- on July 15th. To say I was terrified was an understatement but somehow it all magically worked out. That doesn’t mean it was smooth sailing. I was constantly in scarcity about money those first several months. Money trauma was activated within my system. However, when I started making the commitment to pleasure-finding in my own body, things started to really shift for me. There is nothing quite like pleasure to rewire your nervous system. Seriously- it’s scientifically proven! Pleasure produces the hormones oxytocin, serotonin and dopamine- everything you need to combat those pesky stress hormones- so that you can actually enjoy yourself as you tackle whatever life has to throw at you. How do you determine your own path to pleasure? I did it through learning about my £rotic Blueprint! People laugh when I tell them that I wasn’t even interested in talking about sex when I stumbled upon this work. I started seeing the applications to the rest of my life before I could even begin applying it to my sex life. Let’s get one definition out of the way: erotic energy is simply our life force energy. It’s the energy that makes us say YES to the yumminess of life. In the human experience, that typically is associated with sex, the activity that has the biological possibility to create life; no, that doesn’t mean it always has to do with sex.

Before I go any further, I’d love to introduce to you the Erotic Blueprints themselves. They’re a typing system, similar to the five Love Languages, that give you language for your unique path to pleasure.

The five Erotic Blueprints are:

Energetic: This Blueprint is turned on by spaciousness, tease, and anticipation.

Sensual: Sensuals are turned on by all of the senses: sight, sound, taste, smell and touch.

Sexual: Turn-ons for this Blueprint are the things most of us think of when we think of sex: the promise of orgasms, nudity, and penetration.

Kinky: Don’t freak out; we’re not necessarily talking about BDSM here. This Blueprint is turned on by what is taboo for YOU; while that can be BDSM, it can also include something as simple as having sex with the lights on if you typically have sex with them off.

Shapeshifter: Shapeshifters are turned on by ALL of the Blueprints…so if you saw yourself in all of the other Blueprints, you probably like mixing it up!

Like I said, I started seeing applications to life first. I started honoring my Blueprints in the following ways:


  • I provided myself spaciousness by clearing my schedule of anything that didn’t require me to be at a certain place at a certain time.

  • I create anticipation through creating countdowns to events I’m looking forward to on my phone.


  • I wake up early for no other reason than to feel my sheets against my body.

  • I allow my body to choose my clothing for the day, asking myself the question: what would feel absolutely delicious on my skin today?


  • I create to-do lists by priority; crossing off items as “done” is the equivalent of the orgasmic end of a sexual encounter!

  • I set aside time to just get shit done and create systems and structures that work for me to be able to do so.


  • I go in the “out” door at the grocery store. Ooh! I harmlessly broke a rule!

  • Personal development work is highly kinky for me since it’s all about pushing the edges of who I think I am so I can become more of who I truly am!


  • I mix up all of the things I’ve listed above at various points throughout the day.

  • I give myself permission to make a plan…and totally ditch it if the mood strikes me.

See? All of this stuff is applicable to places far beyond the bedroom! Curious about your Erotic Blueprint? Take the quiz HERE. I’d love to hear about your results in the comments!

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