“Saturday is the day of pre-rest...so that when you actually get to Sunday, you’re rested enough to enjoy your rest” -Lorelai Gilmore, Gilmore Girls
I’ve said before how much I want to Spiral the Gilmore Girl characters; they would so much more easily be able to navigate AROUND their drama instead of causing it! But then there wouldn’t have been a show because the masses consume drama like Pringles- once you pop, you can’t stop. We become addicted to the stress and constant stimulation.
But sometimes that show makes me feel so heard and understood, as evidenced in that quote above. Today is a day that I wish I had a day of pre-rest...because I feel like I’m too exhausted to enjoy my rest. (Back to that time and energy story, right?)
The more I think about things in terms of doing the small things every single day, the bigger the difference they make. When I choose to take the time to rest on my work days, I’m not so comatose on my days off.
It’s those choices, the ones we think aren’t that big of a deal, such as forgoing the afternoon nap to work an extra hour, that have the greatest impact. Our choices snowball onto each other. I totally believe in quantum leaps and timeline jumping.
But in general, it is our choices over time that have led us to this moment. We don’t oscillate between 100-pound weight gains/weight losses over night; but in the choice to eat 45 cookies right before bed. We don’t typically find ourselves in massive amounts of debt overnight; it’s the snowball effect of these little expenses built up over time that we don’t think are a big deal, and/or actions taken/not taken over time. (Sometimes, it’s just that our manifestation game sort of sucks.)
My emotional conditioning made it super easy to blame outside circumstances. “I don’t get paid enough.” “I’m stressed, so I deserve this entire box of cookies.” “I need a vacation, but because I don’t get paid enough, I’m going to charge these plane tickets.” Making these decisions once isn’t necessarily problematic.
But when you’re eating a whole box of Oreos every other day, or charging hundreds of dollars each month, and blaming someone else for the reason you’re doing those things, you strip yourself of your own power.
The Spiral helped me to be more conscious in my daily life. It helped me to feel my own strength, to realize that I actually get to make the decisions for myself. The Spiral is an INTENSE, lifechanging journey through 22 of the most common emotions where we clear out our conditioning and patterning that holds us back from living a full life. Emotional clearing is SUCH an amazing tool to have in our lives. Message me. Let’s see if emotional clearing work is right for you! (Individual sessions and payment plans available!)