In every journey through the muck and the shit, there are also puddles to splash in.
We have a choice in each moment that we’re given.
I woke up this morning in quite a bit of body pain. Not just soreness from working out.
It was questionable if I was going to get up at 6am or if I was just going to roll over and go back to sleep or get up and keep my commitments.
I decided to get up and meditate. Then would go back to bed if I still felt like it. By the end of the meditation, much of my body pain had disappeared except for in my hips.I got the hit while meditating to clear whatever needed clearing from my hips.
Emotion cleared: HURTING. I mean duh. But I also have time to explore any emotional hurting that I may not be recognizing quite yet.From there, I was able to raise my energy up and keep my commitments to myself.
What I would have just surrendered to being a bad day because of how I felt the moment I woke up was able to turn around simply by taking that first step. And now I’m about to take the most rewarding nap ever.Because in all we do, there gets to be joy along the way.
Photo credit: unknown
