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Living a Ple@sure-Filled Life: Get more with the £rotic Blueprints!

Updated: Mar 17

What does ple@sure have to do with anything? Only everything!

I believe that ple@sure is a way of life. 

The £rotic Blueprints™ are a framework for following your ple@sure. It’s essentially a typing system for determining how you come to passion and intimacy. If you’re familiar with your Blueprint, you have a little more idea of what brings you pleasure in your entire life. If you don’t know your Blueprint, keep reading to see what sounds most like you!

Energetic Blueprint™: These humans are turned on by spaciousness, anticipation and tease. They might enjoy eye gazing and just feeling the energy of their partner, a light and barely-there touch on their skin or even just the anticipation of touch. 

An Energetic out in the wild likely is cautious about overscheduling themselves. They might like wide open spaces and cultivate that in their homes by keeping it uncluttered. 

If you’d like to make life a little more Energetic, ask yourself:

How can I create more spaciousness, anticipation and tease in my life?

Sensual Blueprint™: This Blueprint is turned on by having all of their five senses ignited and delighted. In a bedroom scenario, this might look like blankets that feel amazing on your skin, delicious-smelling candles, pieces of chocolate on the nightstand, rose petals scattered everywhere and beautiful music in the background. 

Notice…nobody is naked in this scenario. Why couldn’t you have every inch of your home, your office space and even your car tantalizing every one of your senses all day long?You totally could! (I do not recommend driving around with lit candles in your car though.) 

If you want a little more Sensual in your life, ask yourself:

What could I do to ignite and delight my senses?

Sxual Blueprint™: What we think of when we think of sx- penetration, nudity, genitals- is what turns these humans on. These Blueprints tend to be goal-oriented, the goal being org@sm in the bedroom. 

When it comes to daily living, these Blueprints are fed by anything and everything that helps them to be the most efficient in getting stuff done

If you want to live life a little more like a Sxual Blueprint, ask yourself:

What systems and structures could I put in place to help me get things done?

K1nky Blueprint™: These humans are turned on by whatever is taboo for them. Yeah, that would include BDSM but the key words in the previous sentence is what’s taboo for you. If you’ve only had sx in the same position with the lights off, a different position and lights on could be highly K1nky for you. 

This Blueprint loves novelty and pushing the edges. They might even enjoy being a little rebellious and challenging conventionality. How fun!

If you want to embrace your K1nky more in your life, ask yourself:

How can I delight in going against the rules/feeling a little bit (or a lot) naughty?

Shapeshifter Blueprint™: These humans want- and need- it all! If you saw yourself reflected at some level in the other Blueprints, you might be a Shapeshifter! Shapeshifters are fluent in all of the Blueprints. That means they can leave bedroom activities feeling unsatisfied because they often shapeshift to whatever their partner’s Blueprint is.

For a Shapeshifter, variety is the spice of life. No two days are the exact same for them! Consider stacking some of the aforementioned activities all in the same day or spread it out over a week. Just know that this isn't you being inconsistent; it's you being all of you as this Blueprint!

What combination of the above activities feels most pleasurable to me?

If you thought the Blueprints were just about the bedroom, you wouldn’t be alone in that…but they have applications far beyond the bedroom as well. They are key to understanding how to live a pleasure-filled life. If you haven’t taken the £rotic Blueprint Quiz or it’s been longer than 6 months since you’ve last taken it, take the quiz here!

And if you’d like to take a FREE opportunity to discuss those quiz results and get some more practical steps for how to bring more ple@sure into your life, BOOK A JOYFUL POSSIBILITIES CALL WITH ME. I could talk about this stuff with you all day (although these sessions are only an hour long.)

I can’t wait to connect with you!

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