Want to know the secret to living a perfect life?
I remember having so much resistance to regular therapy, to 12-step programs, to investing with coaches. I refused to believe that not a single thing could help me, because the people offering those services were up front about how nothing was a magic pill. Therapy helps...if you’re willing to alter your self-talk to echo “I love myself” (which of course I wasn’t willing to do; that shit is cheesy. Didn’t I already KNOW that I love myself? Why did I need to say it?) Twelve-Step programs help...if you’re willing to admit that you actually don’t have your shit together and that only something outside of you could help you. (“Uh, what kind of codependent person do you think I am? The only person who can help me is ME...and that’s THAT!” Oh, Old Me; I could just hug you!) Coaches help...if you’re willing to surrender to the similar processes outlined above. (“So...it’s more of the same shit in different packaging? Forget it!”) Old Me was so obsessed with finding the secrets to living a perfect life. So why would I invest in ANYTHING that wasn’t promising to get me there?
Other people, by my perception, had a perfect life. I was CONVINCED that there was some secret that I hadn’t found yet so that I could have the life I so envied in others. It didn’t matter that the person making the money I so desired had a number of health problems she was keeping under wraps. It didn’t matter that the resident “good girl” who was physically very healthy and thin was secretly suffering from depression. Because I was different. I could have it all and be fucking happy doing it. I JUST NEEDED TO FIND THE SECRET! Well, my secret is...seeing the resistance and running towards it. AKA- surrendering to something outside myself AND recognizing my divinity...in perfect love. Let’s just say that now I’m a believer that our resistance steers us where we need to go. And if you’re a recovering perfectionist like I am, in search of the perfect life, know this:
It all happens in perfect timing.
It all happens in perfect love.
I didn’t get here by magic, but The Spiral is pretty darn close to it. Through this process of clearing our emotional conditioning, we strip the layers to our true, most authentic, flawed, and LOVABLE selves. Ready for this lifechanging work? Message me and let’s chat about your goals!