Manifestors in Human Design are supposed to help keep Projectors on track.
This is such a challenge for a Manifestor child who has a Projector mother.
I visited my mom yesterday, for the purpose of helping her around the house. She had a surgery- one of many she has had this year- but I was so sick with the flu on the day she was coming home from the hospital to be able to care.
So I did what I could do on my day off. (First part of not living my design-ness in this story: working on my day off!)My body is hurting SO much today, without actually having done much to help. Basically, by not stepping into my true Manifestor nature, I wasn’t able to initiate a plan for maximum efficiency.
The thing is, Manifestors are quite rare. They make up less than 10% of the population.
Whatever your design, most of us are conditioned to be like Generators- to go, go, go until we can’t go anymore.
I know I was.
But when we don’t embrace who we are and our uniqueness, we are essentially setting ourselves up to fail.
We might not see it immediately.
But by not being true to ourselves, we don’t have the impact we are meant to have on the world.
We don’t add our own unique color to the world.
We don’t fulfill our destiny.
We tell ourselves that we’re too much.
We tell ourselves we’re not doing things the right way.
We essentially don’t allow ourselves to exist outside of what we are told is normal.
Normal is bullshit. Let’s make unique the new normal.
How would your life change if you fully embraced your uniqueness?
P.S. I am NOT a Human Design teacher. I'm just speaking from my experience and what I'm learning about myself.