Last night I danced FOR MYSELF in front of a full length mirror.
To remind myself of who I am.
Earlier that evening, I had recorded myself dancing for TikTok- unchoreographed and in one take- because I felt inspired to dance with my mentor and own my own dance space.
It felt like an edge I was eager to run toward.
Until I actually pushed the record button that is.
Even as I told myself I didn’t have to post it, I felt the contraction in my entire body.
What happened for me ended up being quite a beautiful experience.
The dance that ensued was a dance of self-soothing.
Of reminding myself that I’m safe.
Of playing with the energies of expansion and contraction.
Of reminding myself that ALL of me is okay:
the confidence, the uncertainty, the joy, the fear.
When I let go of my concern over the dance being “good” or pleasurable to the eye of the viewer, and received some support from a few loved ones, I DID end up posting the video. (thejoygoddess on TikTok if you want to check it out.)
The programming is strong in telling us otherwise, but our bodies were never meant to be solely for another’s pleasure.
They’re meant for 𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴.
We only get one body.
Might as well dance.