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I'm a Recovering Emotional Bypasser


I have been straight up IN my feels today; it’s partially just part of where I am cyclically right now. It’s also the result of an extremely intense emotional clearing journey and a completely healing vacation time.⁣

Emotions were something considered to be a weakness. I don’t remember ever being told that, but my mom, being a single mother, just wanted to protect me from her own worries and stress and would never express anything besides joy.⁣

I never really learned until adulthood to healthily deal. I never understood emotions to be things that pass through us and that I wouldn’t be trapped in the “negative” emotions forever if I allowed myself to feel them.⁣

So I ate, over-ate, and stuffed those emotions down. I kept a minute-by-minute busy schedule. (I kid you not. In college especially, when I had complete control over my schedule, EVERY minute was accounted for.) I read for hours on end, keeping my mind busy in a myriad of ways- anything to keep me from having to feel. ⁣

Appreciating my partner for holding me in all of this today. And, of course, because of my particular gifts, called upon Artemis Herself for more strength.⁣

Unexpressed emotions are added weight on our bodies...AND our souls. When we carry that weight, we are carrying it into ALL aspects of our lives. ⁣

Feel the emotions through. Release the weight. Enjoy life. Rinse and repeat.⁣

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