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5 Myths That are Keeping You from Your Pleasure

Writer's picture: thejoygoddessthejoygoddess

Pleasure is such a racy word for so many people…usually because they’re buying into one or more of the five most common myths about pleasure. It’s true that we all have things in our lives that we’d rather not do…but a little dash of pleasure in even the most mundane tasks can be quite the gamechanger.

It’s time to dispel the five myths about pleasure and come back to the truth!

MYTH #1: Pleasure is automatically linked to sx.

Yes, it’s true that there is a link between our sxual expression and the pleasure we experience outside of the bedroom.

However, that doesn’t mean that pleasure is reserved for the bedroom and that’s it. The truth is that pleasure can be found in every moment:

  • Allowing for a slow wakeup in the morning

  • Savoring the food in your mouth

  • Checking that last item off the to-do list

  • Rebelling against certain rules (like going in the “Out” door in a public building)

None of those activities listed are sxual in nature. Our bodies were built for pleasure and not just to experience pleasure in a very specific context.

Pleasure is always available to you…yes, even now!

MYTH #2: Pleasure automatically means instant gratification.

Pleasure doesn’t always mean getting exactly what we want in every single moment…although that can be extremely pleasurable! There can actually be so much pleasure in the anticipation of the thing that you want.Think back to when you were a child, when you were perhaps extremely excited about your upcoming birthday party or Christmas Day.That’s what I’m talking about here- you finding the pleasure in the anticipation of something amazing that’s coming up.Additionally, when it comes to the mundane tasks like laundry and dishes that you may not want to do- can you be in the pleasure of the anticipation of what it’ll feel like when you’re done? When you can wake up the next morning knowing that it’s all done? That’s Now You giving Future you a gift that gives you pleasure…albeit a little delayed.

MYTH #3: Committing to pleasure means I’ll be lazy and unproductive.

Truth time: lazy is a myth constructed by those who benefit from our productivity. For most of us, we feel like any time we take for ourselves is actually us being lazy. 

No, we’re not in danger of the entire world lounging on a beach drinking umbrella drinks all day long if we choose our pleasure first. Eventually, that same activity over and over again with no variety stops being fun. When we grant ourselves this type of space, we then have the chance to ask ourselves: what’s the next pleasurable thing I can?

When we’re connected to ourselves and our purpose, our pleasure actually fuels us in our creativity (notice I didn’t say productivity.) Pleasure actually brings us back to who we’re here to be and what we’re here to create.

MYTH #4: If I indulge in pleasure, I’ll never want to do anything else.

And why would you? I kid, I kid. (Sort of.)What committing to pleasure does do is put you in a pretty awesome spiral with your nervous system: pleasure helps downregulate your nervous system, which increases your capacity for pleasure, which helps downregulate your nervous system, which increases your capacity for pleasure…

If you’re going to be in any kind of spiral, this sounds like a pretty amazing one to be in!

MYTH #5: If I’m in pleasure, I’ll stop caring about others.

This is so common…and I’ll admit that I used to believe this too. We’re unfortunately conditioned to believe that if we put ourselves first in any way, it’ll somehow negatively affect the people around us. My experience this too is that the people who are most invested in you continuing to believe this are the ones who are most benefiting from you bending over backwards for them. Give them the gift of your no so that they have the opportunity for someone who has the desire and bandwidth to help them.

Put your pleasure first. Put your whole self first. Giving from the place of overflow is a totally different energy. When you’re overflowing, there is no other option but for it to positively impact the people around you.

Pleasure isn’t the enemy. In fact, I fully believe that when everyone commits to their pleasure first that the world will be a better place. We make better decisions and just become kinder humans. When we’re overflowing and dripping with pleasure, life gets really good.

So let me ask you...

What could you do right now that would bring even more pleasure into the moment?

And if you’re reading to start inviting more pleasure into your life, come join us in Unstuck Your Sx!

This is a 4-month journey to your fullest £rotic expression. 

This course isn’t just about sx (although there’s nothing “just” about sx). It’s about creating the waves of pleasure all throughout all aspects of your life!

Ready to learn more? 

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