This is a discovery call for those of you who are serious about putting yourself first and creating change in your life!
Your life doesn't have to be the way it's always been.
Take the first step of BEING the change and schedule your call with me by clicking the button below.
Let's see if we're a fit to work together!
Yes, this program is about sx, and... it's about so much more!
It’s about discovering what becomes available to you both inside and outside of the bedroom when you bring pleasure back into your body.
Erotic energy/orgasmic energy is life force energy; that creative force is what allows you to create a pleasure-filled life.
How we come to pleasure and intimacy- whether with ourselves or with a partner- is different for each and every one of us.
But one commonality is this- if we spend our lives on autopilot, when it comes time to engage with a partner, we come into the interaction running on empty.
Can you imagine the ecstasy available to you when you don’t have to seek pleasure outside yourself? When you're already full up, so anything else you ask for is over-the-top luscious and delicious? When you know exactly what brings you pleasure so that you can create it and/or ask for it?
Reclaim your pleasure and...
In these magnificently powerful sessions, we'll clear the emotional entanglements that are between you and whatever it is that you desire to manifest.
In this session, we'll get clear on exactly what it is that you desire, your purpose for this desire, and beginning to give you the experience of embodying the version of you who already has what they desire.
We'll journey through the chakra system, calling in your manifestation down through the crown and grounding it out into the root so that it can land in the 3D.
Come join us over in the Unstuck Yourself Book Club where we’re gonna be
starting Jaiya’s book Your Blueprint for Pleasure on December 18th.
My own discovery and reclamation of my ple@sure has had such a profound effect
on my life.
What I call the ple@sure spiral- where you experience ple@sure, which helps
regulate your nervous system, which opens you to MORE ple@sure, which helps
regulate your nervous system so you can experience MORE PLE@SURE…
It’s just so delicious.
And it became possible for me because of the concepts Jaiya talks about in this
Come play with us in the book club. It’s FREE to participate!
It’s gonna be such a fun ride.