Are you tired of anxiety running your life?
Enter The Clearing Arena
with your hosts Beth Neeley and Mallory Kiersten.
New dates TBA
When you enter the clearing arena with us, you’ll experience the power of emotional clearing in shifting your emotional state and gain the simple- but necessary- tools you can use every single day to not only manage anxiety…
…but to design a life where peace, joy and pleasure are your new baseline (and where anxiety doesn’t have a chance to thrive.)
This is for you if you’re:
Tired of anxiety negatively impacting your life and are ready for change
Ready to clear the patterning around anxiety so that you can create a new experience for yourself
Willing to learn and apply tools to help you manage anxiety when it arises in the future so that it doesn’t completely derail you
Desiring to know who you are and what you get to experience when you’re not so busy being stuck in anxiety!
While emotional clearing is a powerful modality for shifting emotional states, integration is important. When clearing space, things WILL come in to fill it. If you keep filling it with the same stuff that you just cleared out, you’ll keep having the same types of experiences. (If you’ve ever cleaned out a junk drawer only to find it filled with junk again a few weeks/months down the line, you know exactly what we’re talking about!)
We’ve got you!
Because we’ll also be sharing simple tools and processes to fill that cleared space so that you can start creating more of what you actually want to experience.
More money. More connection. More love. More pleasure. More health.
More more more!
Ready to grab the anxiety bull by the horns?
Meet Your Facilitators
Mallory Kiersten (she/they) is here to help recovering people-pleasers reclaim their pleasure and be in their fullest expression; she guides her clients into the deepest levels of love and acceptance for themselves so they can create the juiciest, most delicious pleasure-filled lives they could ever have imagined.
Mallory is a self-love and Unstuck Yourself™ coach, a certified Erotic Blueprint™ coach and Accelerated Evolution practitioner in training, certified in the Sacred Money Archetypes® framework and an emotional clearing practitioner of The Spiral modality. In all of her work, she helps to liberate her clients from their limitations so that they can reclaim all parts of themselves- particularly those parts they’ve been ashamed of or have been told are “too much.”
When she’s not coaching, you can find Mallory reading, dancing, watching cartoons, and probably making silly faces at herself in the mirror.